BattleGroundsMoblieIndia (BGMI) Rank Push....
At the beginning of every season, rank pushers set out to reach the Ace or Conqueror tiers, distinguishing them from the rest of the lobby. Since rank pushing involves a lot of dedication, Battlegrounds Mobile India players try and avoid dying early in classic mode matches.
Five great BGMI pointers to avoid early exits during rank pushing
1) Avoid hot drops :-
Keeping away from hot drops is reportedly one of the safest methods to survive longer during rank pushes. Since hot drops on the classic maps of BGMI attract lots of players, it is safe to avoid such areas. Users en-route to the Ace or Conqueror tiers can die early if they land at hot drops.
2) Take vehicles and go to cities located far away :-
Rank pushers in BGMI tend to have a safer approach towards each match. They can land on drops where vehicles spawn, take them and go to far-off cities. This increases their chances of avoiding an early exit as they will have fewer or almost no players going to loot in distant cities.
3) Avoid playing with random teammates :-
Random teammates can often become annoying, resulting in the downfall of the entire squad. Such gamers usually don't follow the squad's IGLs or communicate, which can be problematic if a team indulges in early fights. Rank pushers in BGMI should play with teammates who can follow or lead the team accordingly.
4) Use the fastest jump method :-
Landing on the ground before enemies can give rank pushers and BGMI players, in general, an added advantage. This can become even more crucial when dropping into a vicinity close to the plane's path. Landing on the ground before enemies can give rank pushers and BGMI players, in general, an added advantage. This can become even more crucial when dropping into a vicinity close to the plane's path.
5) Sticking to the squad :-
Since most rank pushers in BGMI prefer playing the squad mode in classic matches, it becomes imperative for them to stick to the squad. This method not only ensures winning fights and avoiding early exits, but it can also help increase in-game synergy among teammates.
Enjoy your Rank Push Friends....
Thanks for reading.
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